12 March 2022

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
If you visit the website and use it, you will be obliged to observe the privacy policy. Access to or use of the Website is prohibited if you do not agree with the Privacy Policy

  1. Gather information

Madiran is allowed to collect two types of information about you through the website: a. Personal information registered by you to receive the services provided by Madiranb. The set of information provided by Madiran systems that is mostly related to website tracking and not related to you personally. If you do not receive enough personal information, you may not be able to use some of Madiran’s services. Madiran is allowed to collect additional information about your progress as well as other information related to Madiran.

  1. Disclosure of information

Mothers are allowed to disclose information in the following cases: a. In order to provide additional services you request, Madiran is allowed to provide the information collected about you to a third party if they need more information. A set of tracking information and other information that does not identify you to a third party. Disclosure of your personal information to third parties, provided that the Goodwill believes that this information is legally necessary. Submit your personal information to a third party, provided that your parents have already obtained your permission. (Permission may have been received while collecting information)

  1. Use of information

Maderan is allowed to use the collected personal information in the following cases: a. If you have forgotten the details or password registered to use Madiran services, Madiran can use the registered information to identify you and make the necessary collaborations. B. To provide the services you request. In order to provide more information about other websites and services that are important to you from the point of view of mothers. For future marketing, common goals – including direct marketing – as well as market research and studies. Ensure that the information is relevant to your interests. Other authorized uses on your part. If you need to use your personal information in other cases, Madiran will obtain your consent.

  1. Cookie and tracking

Madiran is allowed to use “cookie” files containing information to specify the following:

Details of IP address, operating system (e.g. Windows, MAC O / S, LINUX), browser (e.g. Internet Explorer plus browser version), domain (to specify country from which you have access to the site) and other user information (e.g. name User) Administrators are allowed to use “cookie” information in the following cases:

a. Draw traffic patterns to the website and exit it.

B. Ensure that each ad is shown to the most appropriate person.

J. You can disable cookies in the browser or delete them from your computer drive. You do not need to activate the “cookie” to use the website, but to connect to the website and access its personal or security content, you need to activate the “cookie”. Some web pages may not work properly if the cookie is disabled.

  1. Content producers, advertisers and partners

We will not be responsible for the collection of information, privacy policy or content of other websites, including websites linked through the link. Before submitting your information to third parties, you should contact their operators directly to learn about the policies of other websites.

  1. Choosing or giving up

If Madiran wants to collect information, the use or disclosure of your personal information is outside this collection and in this regard will give you two options: a. Abandoning and not receiving some services and not participating in some interactive points b. Agree and communicate with mothers in the field of awareness of new website specifications, beta tests or promotional activities.

  1. Protect your personal information

Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely safe and secure. Although Madiran will make every effort to protect your information, there is no guarantee that the information transmitted to the Website will be protected. You are responsible for the potential risks of sending your personal information. Madiran will do its utmost to enforce safety standards and protect information against possible misuse. Personal information provided by you will be stored on secure servers. All sensitive private information is stored by industrial strength encryption technology. Financial information such as deposits or credit cards will not be permanently stored or confiscated by mothers except for direct use in instant monetary transactions.

  1. Maintain, correct and update information

Your information will be made available to the designated mother or third party. Madiran may authorize another third party to access your information, but this will only be done for the purposes set out in the Privacy Policy. Madiran will make every effort to maintain information security and use it to protect privacy. You are allowed to change the information you collect as needed and at any time. Ask your questions about how Madiran’s services or website privacy policy, via e-mail

  1. Appendices

Madiran reserves the right to make any changes to its Privacy Policy without prior notice and without your knowledge. You hereby acknowledge that your continued use of the Website constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy and that all previous versions of the Privacy Policy will supersede your later versions.

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